Kep Merli village will provide all the amenities necessary for permanent residency. The complementary services within the village include a pharmacy, a grocery store, a dry-cleaner, a Spa and Wellness Centre, a florist as well as banking services.
Specialty Shops
The village will provide a careful selection of luxury stores, allowing shoppers to choose from an array of international brands.

Refined Cuisine
Both peninsulas will boast fine dining seaside restaurants and cafes. The combination of exquisite brasseries, bars and haute-cuisine Mediterranean restaurants will provide a relaxing atmosphere for everyone.

Organic Food
The availability of Southern Albania’s supply of fresh organic produce will allow Kep Merli costumers the creation of delicious comfort food recipes in their own homes.

The Kep Merli Sports Club will be open for marina guests and residents, offering a 1.5 hectares golf course, tennis and basketball courts as well as its own diving centre. The diving centre is designed to educate both beginners and experienced divers, while allowing them to explore the beauty of history, through Kep Merli’s underwater museum of second world war battle ships and submarines. In addition, the green 12 km road system will allow residents to regularly experience the joy of running and cycling.
Kep Merli will serve both large scale businesses and smaller or VIP groups, allowing all residents the opportunity to use different venues and enjoy quality events organized by an international management team.

Kep Merli
- Busines meetings
- Product launch
- Conferences
- Butrinti events
- Kep Merli Amphitheatre